If an athlete is removed from play because they are showing signs or symptoms of a concussion, Minnesota's Concussion Law requires they receive written authorization from a medical professional to return to play. Please provide a doctor's note to your head coach, once your athlete has been cleared.
For support, resources or questions contact EAA: admin@eaasports.org
To report a concussion to an EAA athlete or to receive additional information or support for an athlete with a concussion, contact admin@eaasports.org
All EAA coaches and assistant coaches are required to complete this training. The video training module will take approximately 45 minutes to complete.
1. Follow this link and complete the online training.
2. When you complete the training module, enter your name and date on the Certificate of Completion and save a copy to your computer.
3. Email your Certificate of Completion to the Director of Coaches at adminassistant@eaasports.org. You will also be asked to upload it when you complete your annual Coach and Volunteer registration.
4. Repeat the online training at least every 3 years.
Important Tips to navigate tricky website:
Suggestions: use desktop (not phone or ipad) and Google Chrome for the best results.
1. Create your account
2. Choose "other" (blue underlined option) as your purpose for training, then "confirm these selections"
3. "National/CDC, Other" should now be listed, then click "continue"
4. Select "Not a State Employee"
5. Select "Metro "
6. Select "Metro East"
7. Select "Dakota"
8. Select "Other"
Name: Eagan Athletic Association
Department/Division: Your sport (soccer, track, baseball, etc)
Title: Coach
Professional Role (optional)
Work Settings (optional)
Non-Profit Organization
Course Title
HEADS UP to Youth Sports: Online Training for Coaches
Need to take the Pre-Assessment first (green button) first -- that is what launches the course. Once you register for the course you are moved to a pre-assessment pending status. Please click the green “Assessment” button to begin the pre-assessment. If you are on a mobile device, the assessment link will be in the green “More Actions” button. Once you have completed the pre-assessment, the button will update to a Launch button. Click the “Launch” button to begin the course content. You may need to turn off the pop-up blocker for your browser before the browser will open the pre-assessment.
A must-see primer for kids and parents
ImPACT is an FDA approved concussion baseline test approved for children and adults 13 years old and up. Once taken, the baseline is available to health care providers to use if a head injury occurs to assist in assessment and treatment. In the past EAA has set up in-person testing once a year at the high school. With the FDAs recent approval for at home online testing, EAA has worked with TCO to provide this service online to its members. A few things you should know:
A concussion can occur in any sport and EAA encourages athletes 13 or older to get a baseline. A test is good for two years.
While EAA is facilitating this service, EAA receives no income or fees from the test and does not have access to test results.
Each test costs $15 and the test must be taken within 90 days of registering.
Once registered you will receive an email from TCO with instructions and an email from AtHomeTest@impacttest.com with the test link. Please allow 2-4 days to receive these emails as they are triggered manually. When clicking on the test link there is one section where it asks for an ID if you have one. The ID is built into the link so just click “Skip Validation”
The test takes 30 to 45 minutes. Parents should assist their child in getting started with the test as there is some demographic information they may need assistance with.
To get started, please follow the instructions laid out by TCO below
Direct questions to the TCO contact below. Non-TCO related questions can be directed to Greg Byrne at facilities@eaasports.org
Hello Eagan Athletic Association families,
Thank you for your interest in obtaining an ImPACT Concussion Baseline Test. Please visit TCOmn.com/Baseline-Test to purchase your baseline test. Each individual wishing to obtain a baseline assessment must purchase a test. If you do not already have a product account set up through TCO, an account will need to be created. An email with additional information will be sent after your purchase. Please be aware, this is not an automated process and my take longer than 24 hours for you to receive follow-up information. Please review the details below for additional information regarding ImPACT:
ImPACT is a computer-based neurocognitive assessment tool to help healthcare providers evaluate and manage a suspected concussion. ImPACT is one of the tools that physicians and athletic trainers use in the assessment of a concussion as well as a tool to make return to play decisions after a concussion. The ImPACT is FDA approved and validated for age 13-60.
ImPACT comes in two forms
Baseline Test—Administered before the start of a sports season, school year, or other activity. Baseline scores are collected and stored online, incompliance with Healthcare Privacy Laws (HIPAA). It is recommended to re-administer the baseline test at a minimum of every two years.
Post-Injury Test—Administered when a concussion is suspected in either the patient’s school or outside clinic. Test results are compared to baseline scores and/or normative data scores as one tool utilized in concussion assessment.
Once registered by our team, you will receive an e-mail from ImPACT Applications titled "You've Been Assigned an ImPACT Test". Please review the brief instructions and short video (this will automatically play when you begin the test as well) before beginning the test. The ImPACT test will consist of demographic information, current symptoms, and 6 testing modules which will assess components of verbal memory, visual memory, reaction time, and visual motor speed. It is recommended that you download ImPACT Passport from the App Store or Google Play.
ImPACT Passport allows you to manage your test results, keep track of symptom records, and locate a care provider anytime, anywhere with the Passport app, available free in the App Store and Google Play. A Passport Trained care provider can immediately access your test results and symptom records when you provide them with your Passport ID, a secure personal identification code issued at the completion of an ImPACT baseline test. Please record your passport ID at the completion of the ImPACT.
Please record your Passport ID here: |
If you have any questions during this process, please contact DavidBloomquist@tcomn.com .
Twin Cities Orthopedics
All concussions are serious. To help recognize a concussion, you should watch for the following two things among your athletes:
1. A forceful blow to the head or body that results in rapid movement of the head.
2. Any change in the athlete's behavior, thinking, or physical functioning.
What should you do if you think your child has a concussion?
• Seek medical attention.
• Keep your child out of play. A child may NOT return to play until a medical professional says it's OK. Children who return to play too soon risk a greater chance of having a second concussion.
• Tell your child's coach about any recent concussion.
What should I do if I think I have a concussion?
• Tell your coaches and your parents. Never ignore a blow to the head, even if you feel fine.
• Get a medical check up. A doctor can tell you if you have a concussion and when it is safe for you to return to play.
• Give yourself time to get better. Your brain needs time to heal.